cpnnet.in@gmail.com +91 93284 81197

CRIME PATROLINGNEWS NETWORK PRIVET LIMITED( here in after called the company) is the marketing arm of CRIME PATROLING NEWS NETWORK PRIVET LIMITED (here in after called the press)

The company is engaged in the activity of widening the subscriber base of the press by using various promotional tools anyone wishing to register a subscriber of the press and / or wants to promote the press can do so by feeling up an application cum contract from online and offline. only after going through and understanding the terms, conditions, rules, regulations, Code of ethics and the promotional plan of the company. Subscriber means a person who wishes to get benefitted by registering with the press. promotional subscriber means a person who wants to promote the press among the masses there by increasing the subscriber base of the press. A promotional associate gets benefits according to promotional incentive, which means incentive paid to the associate in return to his efforts for promoting the press, but strictly according to the promotional plan of the company.

*Guidelines for subscribers registration application

  • The application must have completed minimum 18 years of age and must be competent to enter into a contract as provided in the “Indian Contract Act.”
  • The applicant must personally and completely fill up & sign the prescribed application form clearly and legibly in block letters in signify. His / her acceptance of the terms and conditions as well as the rules and the regulations of the company. in case of online registration, the applicant must go through and click the “accept” button to signify his / her the acceptance of all the terms of the rules and regulations of the company.
  • The company will approve the registration by an official online receip,t which will carry the passwords and the identification number known as associate ID, this ID has to be quoted by the subscribers in all his / her transactions and correspondence with the company. the ID cannot be e altered at any later point of time.
  • The subscriber ID is valid for the lifetime ( if activated in each year ) and is multiple IDs in the same name and the under the same PAN NO. are not allowed.
  • There will be eligible for incentives for income only as for the volumes of business done by him her as stipulated in the business plan the company does not a sure any incentive or income to the on merely account of his her joining in the company.
  • The company always reserves the right to reject any application at its own discretion.
  • The applicant shall ensure that all the information furnished in the application form is correct and properly entered any request for correction of information after registration with the company will not be e entertained.
  • The company will not be e answerably for any promise assurance given by bhai ne to person unless it is in accordance with the approved incentive plan of company.
  • The company will in no case entertain any communication without ID.
  • The company reserves the night to track any activity by both IP address as well as individual browser activity.

*Duties and responsibility

  • An associate is an independent business entity hence he she is not an employee or agent or represent a wave of the company representative of the company.
  • On associate sale not use company name Logon slogan trademarks and trade names without the components companiesconsent.

Transfer of id

  • Application for change of sponsor for the transfer of personal group sales is prohibited

Termination of id

  • All Associates should adhere to rules and regulations and the code of ethics of the company and if anyone is found guilty of not observing the same then he she can be terminated from the company will immediate effect.
  • The company reserves the right to terminate and if he she are found guilty of acting against the interest of the company once on is terminated he she cannot enter any of the company premises meetings locations and his her incentives Bonus will be stopped immediately.

*Nominee facility

  • In the event of the death of the associate the legal her his cell submit a certified copy of legal her his certificate to the company starting their request to replace the disease diseased the company has to the right to approve or disapprove the request upon proper valuation.

Incentives and payout

  • incentives are based on the performance of the associate as per the the compensation plan.
  • Incentives will be paid through bank account transfer as per the information provided by the the associate the company will not be responsible for any delay or loss due to the wrong or incorrect bank details provided by the associate.
  • Incentive statements are system generated and can be downloaded for printed from the login of the company website.

*Legal and texations

  • The rules and the regulations mentioned above shall be Governor in accordance with the law law in force in the the territories of India this disputes if any E A Rise shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mahisagar.
  • If any dispute or difference arises between the parties hereto touching the business or interpret attention of any terms and conditions or as to incentives income etc relating to the business of the company the same shall be referred to arbitration and the arbitration shall be governed by the arbitration and conciliation act 1996.
  • The company reserves the right to modify or change the incentive plan and political policies given giving 7 days prior notice through its website www dot and it will be binding on the associate of the company.

*Code of ethics for the subscriber

  • All taxes and fees that may be required by the government are to be e shouldered by the only. he/ she shell endeavour to the professional in dealing with co_Associates.
  • He cell respect and follow the code of ethics and rules and regulations observing it as a guide to the business.
  • he she shall present the company products and business to the all the clients contracts and the prospective associate with honesty and integrity by using approved company publications and presentations.
  • he she cell conduct business is business activities in a manner that will reflect the highest standard of integrity frankness and responsibility.
  • I confirm that I have read and understand understood all the terms and conditions given here and I I Unconditionally agree to abide by the same as also to any changes made by seepeeyan net from time to time...

*I sware to my religion that I am not involved in any crime or criminal activity.

  • I know very well that this company is only purely product base.
  • If customer will not like the choosen product so that he/she will have to return products to company in 7 days after 7 days company will not liable for this.
  • This company does not have any kind of investment and bye company the customer got bonus are only and only average figures not a fix amount and this matter will vary by by me.
  • I also know understand and read and think and then buy products from this company and go ahead for work and sell products for this company and joint as per salary or allowance in this company.
  • I also know very well that I only get bonus not a fix post for opposition by selling products of company.
  • I know very well that I cannot do or make any type of bad work what will make bad effect on companies name and position.
  • As well as the identity card, letter etc provided by the company, if I use the material illegally, I will be found guilty by the company and the government, in such cases my identity card will be automatically revoked at the same time and the company has the right to withdraw immediately.
  • In which I will have no interference or controversy.
  • The articles, news, advertisements written in the website are the sole responsibility of the member.
  • As well as whatever policy-rules the company makes at that time, everyone associated with this company has to accept it personally. Which I know and understand well.
  • I have read the rules of the above company and it is acceptable for me to confess.
  • A person who gives (the subscriber) Rs. 5,000/- to the company is only for taking the goods sold by the company, no one is investing.
  • For any judicial proceedings only MAHISAGAR (GUJARAT) court will be valid.
  • Offer which - at the time the company decided it will be eligible for the benefit of the offer.
  • From time to time the company whatever - rules may be created or imposed. Every person working in the company will have to keep it valid.
  • The company sells the products, no one investing is made in this company.
  • The bonus show is approximate, based on the calculation of the profit made in the company.